The U Series/ Oil-Flooded Rotary Vacuum Pumps

Our rotary vacuum pumps are cool running, quiet, and highly efficient.

Providing vacuum to 29.9 in.Hg (0.4 Torr), our compact, direct-drive, oil-flooded pumps operate on a semi-synthetic oil and offer gas ballast as an option. Our multi-stage oil separation system is 99.9+% efficient.

If you want reliability and durability combined with industry-leading performance, you want a Becker rotary vacuum pump.


type max. suction air rate
[m3/h] 50/60Hz
max. vacuum
[mbar abs.] 50/60Hz
max. vacuum
[mbar rel.] 50/60Hz
max. motor capacity
[KW] 50/60Hz
U 4.20 18/21 <1,0/<1,5 <-999,0/<-998,5 0,55/0,66
U 4.40 41/48 0,5/0,5 -999,5/-999,5 1,50/1,80
U 5.70 70/84 <0.1/<0.1 <-999,9/<-999,9 1,5/1,8
U 5.100 100/120 <0.1/<0.1 <-999,9/<-999,9 2,2/2,6
U 5.165 165/198 <0.1/<0.1 <-999,9/<-999,9 3,0/3,6
U 5.200 200/240 <0.1/<0.1 <-999,9/<-999,9 4,0/4,8
U 4.250 SA/K 244/276 3,0/3,0 -997,0/-997,0 7,80/9,30
U 4.250 F/K 244/276 0,5/0,5 -999,5/-999,5 7,80/9,30
U 4.300 300/360 0,5/0,5 -999,5/-999,5 7.50/8.60
U 4.400 SA/K 435/508 3,0/3,0 -997,0/-997,0 11,0/12,5
U 4.400 F/K 435/508 0,5/0,5 -999,5/-999,5 11,0/12,5
U 4.630 SA/K 624/732 3,0/3,0 -997,5/-997,5 15,0/18,5
U 4.630 F/K 624/732 0,5/0,5 -999,5/-999,5 15,0/18,5
U 5.300* 300/360 0.1/0.1 -999,9/-999,9  
U 5.400* 400/480 0.1/0.1 -999,9/-999,9  
U 5.500* 500/600 0.1/0.1 -999,9/-999,9  
U 5.650* 650/780 0.1/0.1 -999,9/-999,9  

*  These devices are in preparation.

Technical information: please see at THE U SERIES